print("enter choice 'c' to convert fahrenheit to Celsius")
print("enter choice 'f' to convert Celsius to fahrenheit ")
#to accept choice of user
ch=input('enter choice(c/f):')
#to accept temperature from user
t=float(input('enter temperature:'))
if ch=='c':
#to convert fahrenheit into Celsius
cel = (t-32)*5/9
print(' fahrenheit :',t,'\n','Celsius:',cel)
elif ch=='f':
#to convert Celsius into fahrenheit
print('Celsius:',t,'\n',' fahrenheit :',far)
#if choice is other than 'c' or 'f' display invalid choice
print("invalid choice")
print("enter choice 'f' to convert Celsius to fahrenheit ")
#to accept choice of user
ch=input('enter choice(c/f):')
#to accept temperature from user
t=float(input('enter temperature:'))
if ch=='c':
#to convert fahrenheit into Celsius
cel = (t-32)*5/9
print(' fahrenheit :',t,'\n','Celsius:',cel)
elif ch=='f':
#to convert Celsius into fahrenheit
print('Celsius:',t,'\n',' fahrenheit :',far)
#if choice is other than 'c' or 'f' display invalid choice
print("invalid choice")