Monday, 3 December 2018

Python List : Adding element to List

Adding an element to the list

We can add elements to the list using append, insert and extend functions.

#Initializing empty list
alist = [] 

Append function

It is used to add elements at the end of the list.
Append function takes only one argument at a time i.e using append function we can add only one element at a time.

#Adding element in the list using append function
print('List after addition of 3 elements :  ', alist ) 

Output :

Insert function

It is used to add an element at the specified index position of the list.
#Adding an element at a specific index using insert function. 
print('List after performing insert operation :  ' , alist)
#Here we are adding element 2 at index position 1

Output :

Extend function

It is used to add a sequence of elements to the list.
This function adds elements at the end of a list.
Extend function takes a list of elements as the argument.
#Adding multiple elements to the list
alist.extend( [ 4 , 'python' , 8.97 , (91,90,89) ] )
print('List after performing extend operation :  ' , alist)
#Here we are adding elements 4 , ' python ',8.97 and tuple (91,90,89)

Output :

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